Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Was Jesus Baptized In The Nude?
Since early Christians practiced nude baptism, it's only logical that those same early Christians believed that Jesus himself was also baptized in the nude. In their minds, they were immitating Jesus by practicing nude baptism. Many modern-day Christian nudists believe the same thing. According to Ian Wilson:

We know enough of Jesus' be able to envisage something of the scene, with the hairy John in his camel-skins, and Jesus himself most likely naked for according to early churchman Hippolytus [Apostolic Tradition XXI, 3, 5, 11], and references to 'complete stripping' by Paul (I Colossians 2:11), that is how the earliest Christian baptisms seem to have been conducted. In the earliest Christian art, where Jesus' baptism is a common theme, he is invariably represented quite naked. Such nudity does not contradict the traditional association of a white garment with baptism, symbolic of a burial shroud, and cast aside at the moment of baptismal 'rebirth' (Jesus, The Evidence).

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